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Low Carbon Built Environment Opportunities in Los Angeles

construction BIM Low carbon building materials
Senior Advisor

Bart Kotlarek

+1 646 384 0091
Buildings in Los Angeles account for 43% of carbon emissions – more than any other sector. The city of LA has ambitious targets to decarbonize its built environment. Goals include reducing energy use per sq.ft. for all building types 22% by 2035, all new buildings will be net zero carbon by 2030; and 100% of buildings will be net zero carbon by 2050.

Many new requirements for sustainable construction are taking effect in the Golden State. California's 2022 Building Energy Efficiency Standards have encouraged adoption of electric heat pump technology, establishment of electric ready requirements when natural gas is installed, expansion of PV and battery storage systems, and a strengthening of ventilation standards to improve air quality.

Municipally owned buildings are undergoing a carbon neutral push, and all new construction since 2020 has had to be solar panel and EV-ready. The Buy Clean California Act also presents an opportunity for low carbon building material suppliers in steel, flat glass, and insulation.

LA has a residential housing shortage, and currently 95% of city center units are occupied. A shift has begun to convert outdated offices into residential units. New homes in Los Angeles are increasing in price due to compliance with sustainability legislation. Los Angeles green building trends include sustainable technology for high end offices, sustainable retrofitting of buildings, and sustainable affordable housing. We are also seeing a greater adoption of IoT and sensors in new and existing infrastructure.

Architecture and construction firms that Business Finland has engaged with in LA have expressed a strong interest in low carbon concrete solutions. After several trade missions, Business Finland has cultivated a network of high-value contacts within the architecture, engineering, and construction community of Los Angeles. This network is eager to utilize low carbon-built environment solutions from Finland in upcoming projects.

To whom is this opportunity for?

Companies with solutions for the low carbon-built environment.

Solutions or Products Needed by Customer

  • Energy efficient solutions and the optimization of energy use
  • Low carbon building materials
  • Digital and optimized design and building processes
  • Data and tools for built environment maintenance, usage, lifecycle management and smooth everyday

Services Available for Finnish Companies

  • Access to several market research reports on Southern California
  • Introductions to high-value connections in the architecture, engineering, and construction community
  • Connection to local Los Angeles small business accelerators
  • California Green Building Conference May 23rd
  • Business Finland Trade Mission to Los Angeles Week 24 (May 2024)